Memória do trauma de 1950 no testemunho do goleiro Barbosa
Artigo de Elcio Loureiro Cornelsen publicado na revista Esporte e Sociedade, Rio de Janeiro, v. 8, n. 21, mar. 2013. Para acessar clique aqui.
Não tem.
sobre aquele fatídico 16 de julho de 1950 e seus desdobramentos. Barbosa, tido como um dos “bodes expiatórios” daquela derrota, por diversas vezes, revela em sua fala as marcas de um momento traumático – individual e coletivo –, que o acompanharia pelo resto de sua vida.
ABSTRACT: Our contribution aims at a discursive analysis of the testimonies of the goalkeeper Moacyr Barbosa about the defeat of the Brazilian team in the final of the 1950 World Cup against Uruguay. Singular moment in the history of Brazilian football, undoubtedly the discursive memory that builds on the defeat of the Brazilian national team in 1950 is permeated by trauma. Accordingly, based on the theory of testimony and concepts and methods of oral history, our intention is to evaluate in discursive terms not only what, but most importantly how, decades later, the goalkeeper enunciated, through memory, his version of that fateful July 16, 1950 and its aftermath. Barbosa, considered one of the “scapegoats” of that defeat, several times in his speech reveals the marks of a traumatic moment – individual and collective – that would accompany the rest of his life.