Online Exhibitions

Time of Reaction – 100 years of goalkeeper Barbosa
Get to know the story of Moacyr Barbosa, one of Brazil’s great goalkeepers, who had to fight racism to gain recognition

Memoirs of the 1970 World Cup
Rarely in history have the fans embraced a foreign team as much as the Mexicans in support of the Brazilian National Team in the 1970 World Cup.

Off to the 1970 World Cup
Learn about the story of two friends from São Paulo that traveled to Mexico in a VW Beetle to see Brazil win the third World Cup trophy.
Football History

Our collection
Barbosa, 100 years old: new perspectives on the centenary of a great goalkeeper
Moacyr Barbosa and Clotilde Melônio. Photograph: Football Museum Collection | Moacyr Barbosa Collection | Photograph: Rights Reserved Until recently, when the word “Barbosa” was pronounced in […]

Our collection
Santa Marina Atlético Clube: the floodplain clubs and the preservation of São Paulo’s memory
Youth board of Santa Marina A.C. Photograph: Football Museum Collection I Santa Marina Collection | Rights Reserved The floodplain has the potential to narrate the history […]

Our collection
Diversity on the field: LGBT+ football
“Football is a universal language”. This phrase gains even more strength with each new interview carried out in the context of the Diversity on the Field […]