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David Goldblatt

Sociólogo e radialista inglês, é colaborador da BBC World Service, BBC Radio 4 e BBC Radio 3, além de escrever para os jornais The Guardian, The Observe, The Times Literary Supplement, Financial Times e The Independent e para as revistas New Statesman, New Left Review e Prospect. Professor de Sociologia do Esporte na Universidade de Bristol e na Faculdade Pitzer College.


Escreveu "The ball is round: a global history of football" (Penguin, 2006); "The football book: a global encyclopaedia" (Dorling Kindersley, 2009); "How to watch the Olympics", com Johnny Acton (Profile Books, 2011); "Futebol nation: a footballing history of Brazil" (Penguin, 2014); "The game of our lives: the meaning and making of English football" (Penguin, 2014) - Prêmio William Hill em 2015 de livro esportivo do ano; "The Games: a global history of the Olympics" (Pan Macmillan, 2016). Contribuiu ainda com o "The world football yearbook" (entre 2002-2004). É torcedor do Tottenham Hotspurs e do Bristol Rovers.

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