Field Style: Trendy football accessories, colors and technologies

Since May 2017

Football and fashion have always walked side by side, from the creation of official uniforms to the various accessories that made up the sportswear.This exhibition shows how fashion followed the development of the modality and new technologies throughout the 20th century, going through changes in colors, models and different types of fabrics 

Since May 2017

Free access to the platform Google Arts&Culture.

Fashion and football

Football goes far beyond the game played within the four lines of the field. Since its inception, the modality has been accompanied by an indispensable component: fashion. The clothes reflected their respective times and also helped to set trends in society.

This virtual exhibition held at Google Art & Culture tells the evolution of sportswear over the years. The exhibition tells how clothes were at the beginning of the century and how they underwent changes in their colors, cuts, models and materials until reaching what is known today.

In addition, the exhibition shows the fundamental role of technology in this process, providing safer and more effective clothing and accessories for football practice around the world.

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Curation, research and texts
Aira Bonfim e Fernando Breda

Support for image selection
Camila Aderaldo e Julia Terin

Image editing
Rafael Lumazini

Final edition
Daniela Alfonsi


Realization of the Nucleus of the Brazilian Football Reference Center – CRFB – of the Football Museum

Camila Chagas Aderaldo

Aira Bonfim

Research Assistant
Fernando Breda

Ademir Takara

Documentation Assistants
Julia Terin e Dóris Régis

Ligia Dona

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