The game and the people: the origins of football in Brazil

Since 2013

What could unite a country as large and diverse as Brazil? The answer comes to the end of the 19th century and lies in a simple object: the ball. Coming from England, she brought with her football, a sport that was responsible for uniting the elite, working class, immigrants and local people, becoming a true national passion. This virtual exhibition tells the story of how football arrived, established itself and developed on Brazilian soil.

Since 2013

Free access to the platform Google Arts&Culture.

The union of a people

The history of Brazilian football is told in this virtual exhibition held at Google Arts & Culture, which is based on the Sala das Origens of the Football Museum’s Long-Term Exhibition. From the arrival of the sport to its professionalization, the show uses images from the time to recreate this timeline.

From Charles Miller to Arthur Friedenreich, highlighting the diversity and inequality of the Brazilian people, the exhibition tells how football migrated between the layers of society until it became a mass sport, with increasingly popular professional clubs and tournaments, fighting the social and racial chasms of the time.

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Curation | Football Museum Content Team
Coordination | Pedro Sant’Anna
Texts | Daniela Alfonsi, Lucas Donato e Felipe Santos
Layout | Pedro Sant’Anna e Lucas Donato
Video and Image Editing | Bruna Gottardo e Hugo Takeyama

Revised version – 2018

Coordination | Camila Aderaldo
Adaptation, google editing and translation | Ana Letícia de Fiori

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