The History of the Canarinho Shirt: How the yellow-gold came to dress Brazil

Since May 2017

The yellow uniform is a landmark of the Brazilian team. But did you know it wasn’t always like this? The creation of the canarinho shirt dates back to the 1950 World Cup, when Brazil suffered a defeat at the Maracanã against Uruguay and postponed the dream of winning the first world title. This virtual exhibition tells the story of the emergence of the new Brazilian uniform, which is still used today.

Since May 2017

Free access to the platform Google Arts&Culture.

A new national symbol

imagens das camisas branca e amarela da seleção

It was in a contest, after the fateful Maracanazo, that everything changed. Until then, the Brazilian team entered the field with a white uniform. The dispute was promoted by the Rio de Janeiro newspaper Correio da Manhã and won by a Brazilian, who lived his entire life on the border with Uruguay.

This virtual exhibition, held at Google Arts&Culture, recounts this story through documents from the time, showing how Aldyr Garcia Schelee was responsible for bringing yellow to the national team’s shirt and establishing it as a new national tradition.

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Made from the original idea of Gilberto Perin and Aldyr Garcia Schlee

Curation, research and texts| Aira Bonfim e Fernando Breda
Support for image selection | Camila Aderaldo e Julia Terin
Image editing | Rafael Lumazini
Final edition | Daniela Alfonsi

Realization of the Nucleus of the Brazilian Football Reference Center – CRFB – of the Football Museum
Coordination | Camila Chagas Aderaldo
Researcher | Aira Bonfim
Research Assistant | Fernando Breda
Librarian | Ademir Takara
Documentation Assistants | Julia Terin e Dóris Régis
Intern | Ligia Dona

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