Women, disobedience and resilience

Since June 2019

Um decreto impediu as mulheres de praticar futebol por 40 anos no Brasil. Várias delas, no entanto, desafiaram a lei e continuaram jogando mesmo assim. Esta exposição conta a história dessas mulheres, em diferentes estados do país, que resistiram à proibição e alcançaram a tão sonhada regulamentação da modalidade décadas depois.  

Since June 2019

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A story of resilience

Imagem em preto e branco de mulheres vestidas com uniforme de futebol e torcedores ao fundo

Between 1941 and 1979, women were prevented from playing sports in Brazil, including football. This virtual exhibition held at Google Arts & Culture, however, shows the resilience of many of them, who did not obey the law and entered the field anyway.

The show brings together women’s games spread across the country in the 50s, 60s and 70s, in their respective contexts, such as charity events, through images and newspaper headlines of the time, reaching the release of the modality and its first regulation in 1983.


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Google Initiative and Football Museum
Curatorship | Daniela Alfonsi e Camila Aderaldo – Museu do Futebol
Research Assistant | Ligia Dona – Museu do Futebol

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